Podio API Documentation

Items: Get app values

This operation is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use Search references.
GET /item/app/{app_id}/values

Used to get the distinct values for all items in an app. Will return a list of the distinct item creators, as well as a list of the possible values for fields of type "state", "member", "app", "number", "calculation", "progress" and "question".

The values for fields depends on the type of field:

number, progress and calculation

  "min": The minimum value,
  "max": The maximum value


  ... (more states)


    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user,
    "name": The full name of the user
  ... (more users)


    "app_id": The id of the app,
    "icon": The icon of the app,
    "name": The name of the app,
    "item_name": The name of individual items in the app,
    "items": The list of items in the app referenced by items in this app,
        "item_id": The id of the item,
        "title": The title of the item
      ... (more items)
  ... (more apps)


    "profile_id": The id of the contact,
    "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the contact,
    "name": The full name of the contact
  ... (more contacts)



    "id": The id of the option,
    "text": The text of the option
  ... (more options)
PHP Client
PodioItem::get_app_values( $app_id );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Item.find_app_values( app_id )
Response { "created_bys": List of the different creators of items [ "{created_by}", ... (more created_bys) ], "created_vias": List of interfaces the items were created through, [ "{created_via}", ... (more created_vias) ] "tags": List of tags used on the items in the app, [ "{tag}", ... (more tags) ] "fields": List of the different fields of type "app" and "member" [ { "field_id": The id of the field, "type": The type of the field, "external_id": The external id of the field, "label": The label of the field, "values": The possible values, see the description for details }, ... (more fields) ] }


Try the operation "/item/app/{app_id}/values"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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