Podio API Documentation


A notification is an information about an event that occured in Podio. A notification is directed against a single user, and can have a status of either unread or viewed. Notifications have a reference to the action that caused the notification.


Notifications can have the following types:

  • alert: The user was alerted as part of an action (reference)
  • comment: A comment was added to an object (subscription)
  • file: A file was attached to an object (subscription)
  • file: A file was deleted from an object (subscription)
  • meeting: A meeting was added to an object
  • member_reference_add: The user was added as a reference on an item (reference)
  • member_reference_remove: The user was removed as a reference on an item (reference)
  • rating: A rating was added to an object (subscription)
  • space_invite: The user was invited to join a space (space)
  • space_accept: The user accepted an invitation to join the space
  • space_decline: The user declined an invitation to join the space
  • space_delete: A space the user was a member of has been deleted (space)
  • self_kicked_from_space: Notification to the user that the admin ended the user's space membership (space)
  • user_left_space: Notification to space admins that the user left the space (space)
  • user_kicked_from_space: Notification to space admins that the user was removed from the space by an admin (space)
  • role_change: The role of the user was changed on a space (space)
  • creation: An object was created (subscription)
  • update: An object was updated (subscription)
  • delete: An object was deleted (subscription)
  • message: A message was received from a conversation (message)
  • conversation_add: A participant was added to a conversation (message)
  • bulletin: A news item was received from Podio
  • rsvp: An item was created on an app with RSVP enabled
  • answer: A user answered a question
  • space_create: A space was created in the organization
  • meeting_participant_add: The user was added as a participant on a meeting
  • meeting_participant_remove: The user was removed as a participant on a meeting
  • meeting_started: The meeting was started
  • batch_process: The processing of a batch started
  • batch_complete: The processing of a batch completed
  • space_member_request: A space admins get notified when a user requestes access to a space (space)
  • grant_create: A grant was given to the user (space)
  • grant_delete: A grant was remove from the user (space)
  • grant_create_other: A grant was given to another user on something user is subscribed to (space)
  • grant_delete_other: A grant to another user was removed on something user is subscribed to (space)
  • reference: A reference was added to the item from another item
  • vote: A vote on an item (subscription)
  • participation: A user changed their participation status on an item (subscription)
  • reminder: A reminder of an upcoming meeting or task (reminder)


The following icons are used

  • alert
  • task
  • meeting
  • status
  • creation
  • update
  • delete
  • comment
  • approved
  • rejected
  • star-rating
  • like
  • attending
  • not-attending
  • maybe-attending
  • thumbs-up
  • thumbs-down
  • yes
  • no
  • message
  • message-reply
  • bulletin
  • member_reference_add
  • member_reference_remove
  • file
  • user_left_space
  • user_kicked_from_space
  • self_kicked_from_space
  • space_invite
  • answer
  • space_create
  • reminder



Each notification has a context which give contextual information to the notification about the origin of the notification.


  "status_id": The id of the status,
  ... (more, see the get status operation)


  "task_id": The id of the task,
  ... (more, see the get task operation)


  "space_id": The id of the space,
  "name": The name of the space,
  "member_count": The number of members,
  "top_members": The 4 most active members
      "user_id": The id of the user,
      "name": The name of the user
    ... (more users, up to 4)
  "app_count": The number of apps,
  "top_apps": The 4 apps with the most items,
      "app_id": The id of the app,
      "name": The name of the app,
      "icon": The icon of the app
    .... (more apps, up to 4)


  "org_id": The id of the org,
  "name": The name of the org,
  "url": The full URL to the org,
  "logo": The id of file of the logo for the org,
  "premium": True if the org is premium, false otherwise


  "item_id": The id of the item,
  .... (more, see the get item basic operation)


  "bulletin_id": The id of the bulletin,
  ... (more, see the get bulletin operation)


  "app_id": The id of the app,
  ... (more, see the get app operation)


  "share_id": The id of the share,
  ... (more, see the get share operation)


  "conversation_id": The id of the conversation,
  ... (more, see the get conversation operation)


  "question_id": The id of the question,
  "text": The question text,
  "options": The options of the question
      "question_option_id": The id of the option,
      "text": The text of the option
    ... (more options)
  "ref": The object the question is on
    "type": The type of object (either "status" or "comment"),
    "id": The id of the object,
    "title": The title of the object,
    "link": The link to the object


  "meeting_id": The id of the meeting,
  ... (more, see the get meeting operation)



  "file_id": The id of the file,
  ... (more, see the get file operation)


  "batch_id": The id of the file,
  ... (more, see the get batch operation)

Notification details data

The data or details of the notification depends on both the type of notification and the context. The data is returned in a dictionary called "data". The dictionary will have the following values:

member_reference_add/member_reference_remove (item)

  "label": The label of the field,
  "description": The description of the field,
  "delta": The position of the field,
  "settings": The settings of the field,
  "required": True if the field is required, false otherwise,
  "visible": True if the field is visible, false otherwise

space_invite (space)

  "subject": The subject of the invite, if any,
  "message": The message of the invite, if any,
  "status": The current status of the invite, "invited", "started", "declined", "ended", "cancelled",
  "invite_code": The invitation code to use when accepting or declining the invite

user_kicked_from_space (space)

  "user_id": The id of the user who was removed,
  "avatar": The avatar of the user who was removed,
  "name": The name of the user who was removed,

role_change (space)

  "role": The new role, "light", "regular", "admin"

file, file_delete (item, task, conversation)

  "file_id": The id of the file,
  "name": The name of the file,
  "description": The description of the file,
  "mimetype": The mime type of the file,
  "size": The size of the file

comment (item, status, task, share, meeting, file)

  "comment_id": The id of the comment,
  "value": The actual comment,
  "files": The files attached to the comment,
  "embed": Metadata for an embedded link if it exists (see Embed area),
  "embed_file": File data for an thumbnail for the embed if it exists,
  "questions": Any questions attached to this comment,
      "question": The question
        "question_id": The id of the question,
        "text": The text of the question, if any,
        "options": The options of the questions
            "question_option_id": The id of the option,
            "text": The text of the option,
            ... (more options)
      "answers": The answers to the question
          "question_option_id": The id of the option,
          "user": The user who answers
            "user_id": The id of the user,
            "name": The full name of the user,
            "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, if any
        ... (more answers)
    ... (more questions)

update (item)

  "item_revision_id": The id of the revision,
  "type": The type of revision, either "creation", "update" or "delete",
  "revision": The revision number,
  "diff": The difference between the two versions. 
    See the get item diff operation for details

update (task)

  "type": The type of action that was performed on the task. Can be "assign", "update_due_date", "update_text", "update_description", "update_private", "start", "stop", "complete", "incomplete". For details see the task area.
  "changed": The data that changed on the task, depends on the above type

update (app)

  "app_revision_id": The id of the app revision

rating (item, task, share, status, action, file)

  "rating_id": The id of the rating,
  "type": The type of rating, see the rating area for more details,
  "value": The value of the rating,
"ref": The object that was rated

message (conversation)

  "message_id": The id of the message,
  "text": The text of the message,
  "reply": True if this a reply, false otherwise,
  "created_on": The date the message was sent,
  "created_by": The user who sent the message,
    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The avatar of the user,
    "name": The name of the user
  "files": The files on the comment,
     "file_id": The id of the file,
     "name": The name of the file,
     "description": The description of the file,
     "mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types,
     "size": The size of the file in bytes,
    ... (more files)
  "embed": Metadata for an embedded link if it exists (see Embed area),
  "embed_file": File data for an thumbnail for the embed if it exists,


  "question_option": The option selected,
    "question_option_id": The id of the option,
    "text": The text of the option    


  "status": The current status of the user on the space, either "joined", "open", "closed" or "deleted"

meeting_participant_add, meeting_participant_remove



  "text": The full text of the alert,
"ref": The reference to the source of the mention
"type": The type of the reference, either "comment" or "status",
"id": The id of the reference


  "space_member_request_id": The id of the SpaceMemberRequest,
"status": Status of the request (active, accepted, retracted),
"role": Space role the user requests,
"user": The user requesting access,
"space": The space the user requests access to


"message": The custom message given with the grant,
"action": The specific action asked of the grantee, either "comment", "view" or "rate".



grant_create_other, grant_delete_other

    "user_id": The id of the user that the grant was created/delete for,
    "avatar": The avatar of the user,
    "name": The name of the user



  "type": The type of the object
"id": The id of the object,
  "title": The title of the object,
  "link": The link to the object



"voting": The voting the vote was on
"voting_id": The id of the voting,
"kind": The kind of voting, either "fivestar" or "answer",
"question": The question for the vote
"answer": The answer of the vote if the voting is of type "answer"
"answer_id": The id of the answer,
"text": The text of the answer
"rating": The value of the rating if the voting is of type "fivestar"


"status": The new participation status, either "accepted", "declined" or "tentative"

Possible combinations

This will list all the combinations of type and context. The update - task combination will have more information in data to indicate what kind of update was done.

  • member_reference_add - item
  • member_reference_remove - item
  • rating - item
  • rating - status
  • rating - share
  • rating - meeting
  • rating - file
  • space_invite - space
  • space_accept - profiles
  • space_decline - profiles
  • space_create - space
  • member_ended_user - profiles
  • member_ended_admin - space
  • role_change - space
  • creation - item
  • creation - task
  • creation - app
  • creation - status
  • creation - meeting
  • file - item
  • file - task
  • file - meeting
  • update - item
  • update - status
  • update - task (data types: start, stop, assignment, complete, incomplete, update_text, update_description, update_due_date, update_private)
  • update - app
  • update - meeting
  • delete - item
  • delete - status
  • delete - task
  • delete - meeting
  • delete - file
  • message - profiles (private message)
  • message - item
  • message - org
  • message - status
  • message - bulletin
  • bulletin - profiles
  • org_member_add - org
  • org_member_remove - org
  • org_member_leave - org
  • comment - action
  • comment - item
  • comment - status
  • comment - share
  • comment - task
  • comment - meeting
  • comment - file
  • meeting_started - meeting
  • meeting_participant_add - meeting
  • meeting_participant_remove - meeting
  • alert - item (comment on item)
  • alert - status (comment on status)
  • alert - task (comment on task)
  • alert - action (comment on action)
  • alert - meeting (comment on meeting)
  • alert - status (status)
  • alert - file (comment on file)
  • reminder - task
  • reminder - meeting
  • batch - process
  • batch - complete
  • space_member_request - space
  • grant_create - item
  • grant_delete - item
  • grant_create_other - item
  • grant_delete_other - item
  • reference - item
  • reference - task
  • reference - action
  • reference - status
  • reference - file
  • vote - item
  • participation - item

No longer used:

  • rsvp - item