Podio API Documentation

Linked Accounts


Linked Accounts represent connections to 3rd-party APIs like Google, Facebook, etc.

google, citrix, facebook, live

  "redirect_uri": The redirect URI,
  "code": The OAuth2 code

google (alternative)

  "access_token": The access token for Google,
"refresh_token": The refresh token, if available

facebook (alternative)

  "access_token": The access token for Facebook


  "subdomain": The subdomain of the account,
  "username": The username of the account holder,
  "password": The password of the account holder



  "ticket": The authorized ticket


  "request_token_key": The authenticated request token,
  "request_token_secret": The authenticated request token secret


  "request_token_key": The authenticated request token,
  "request_token_secret": The authenticated request token secret,
  "request_token_verifier": The oauth verifier



  "oauth_token": The authenticated token,
  "oauth_token_secret": The authenticated token secret,
  "oauth_verifier": The oauth verifier


  "username": The username of the account holder,
  "password": The password of the account holder


  "email": The email address of the account holder,
  "password": The password of the account holder

Exchange (autodiscovery - simple case)

  "email": The email address of the account holder,
  "password": The password of the account holder



Exchange (autodiscovery - general case)

  "email": The email address of the account holder,
  "password": The password of the account holder,
  "username": The username of the account holder,
"exchange_domain": The Exchange domain of the account holder (optional)


Exchange (explicit)

  "username": The username of the account holder,
"password": The password of the account holder,
  "exchange_domain": The Exchange domain of the account holder (optional),
  "server": The Exchange host server,
  "domain": (deprecated) old name for "server"