Podio API Documentation
This area contains all the files that can be uploaded to Podio by end users. Files have a name, a mime-type, a size and a link. Since most files are binary, uploading a file uses multipart/form-data instead of JSON. Files can be replaced by newer revisions.
Disallowed file types
- application/x-msdownload
- application/x-msdos-program
- application/x-msdos-windows
- application/x-download
- application/bat
- application/x-bat
- application/com
- application/x-com
- application/exe
- application/x-exe
- application/x-winexe
- application/x-winhlp
- application/x-winhelp
- application/x-javascript
- application/hta
- application/x-ms-shortcut
- application/octet-stream
- vms/exe
Image sizes
Images will be available in different sizes depending on their use.
All images
- default: 40x40
- medium: 80x80
- badge: 220x160
- tiny: 16x16
- small: 32x32
- medium: 80x80
- large: 160x160
Item images
- medium: 80x80
- badge: 220x160
- extra_large: 520x?
- tiny: ?x16
- large: ?x50
- small: 220x?
- large: 450x?
App store screenshots
- medium: 80x80