Podio API Documentation

Items: Get items

This operation is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use Filter items.
GET /item/app/{app_id}/

Returns the items on app matching the given filters.

Ruby Gem
Podio::Item.find_all( app_id, options = {} )

The key with corresponding value to use for filtering the results. For the valid keys and values see the filter area. 

For list filtering (state, app, member), the value is given as a semi-colon-separated list, f.ex. "1;2" or "active;deleted". To include items with a field not set to any value use "null" in the lists, f.ex. "1;null" or "null;active".

For range filtering (created_on, last_edit_ondate, progress, number) the value is given as "x-y", f.ex. "20-100" or "2010-12-01-2011-01-01". Date filtering also supports relative filtering, see the filter area for details.

For auth filtering (created_bylast_edit_by) the value should be given as a semi-colon-separated list on the form "type:id", f.ex. "user:1".

To f.ex. get all items with a state field either not set or set to "active" would look like /item/app/123/?876=null;active, with 123 being the id of the app and 876 the id of the state field.


The maximum number of items to return

Default value: 10

The maximum number of Items returned

Default value: 1000

The offset from the start of the items returned


If true the given view is remembered for the user, otherwise it is not.

Default value: true

How the items should be sorted. For the possible options, see the filter area.


Use true to sort descending, use false to sort ascending

Default value: true

Applies the given view, if set to 0, the last used view will be used

Response { "total": Total number of items, "filtered": Total number of items matching the filter, "items": The items returned, [ { "item_id": Id of the item, "initial_revision": The information on who created the first revision of the item { "revision": The revision number, "app_revision": The revision of the app at the time this item revision was made, "created_by": The entity who made the revision, "created_via": Through which client the revision was made, "created_on": When the revision was created }, "current_revision": The latest revision, contains the same as the initial_revision field,
"last_event_on": The date and time of the last activity, "external_id": The external id of the item, if any, "title": The title of the item. This is made of up one of the fields below, or by the item name and id, "link": The link to the item, "rights": The list of rights the active user has on this item, "fields": Each field for which there are values in the correct order, [ { "field_id": The id of the field, "type": The type of the field, "label": The label of the field, "values": The values for the field, [ { "{sub_id}":"{value}", .... (more sub values) }, .... (more values) ] }, ... (more fields) ], "comment_count": Number of comments on the item "ratings": The ratings that was done on the item [ ... See the get all ratings operation for details, ], "file_count": The number of files on the item }, ... (more items) ] }  


Try the operation "/item/app/{app_id}/"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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