Podio API Documentation

Items: Get item basic

This operation is deprecated and will be removed soon.
GET /item/{item_id}/basic

Gets the basic details about the given item. Similar to the full get item method, but only returns data for the item itself.

PHP Client
PodioItem::get_basic( $item_id, $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Item.find_basic( id )

If true marks any new notifications on the given item as viewed, otherwise leaves any notifications untouched

Default value: true


"item_id": The id of the item, "app": The app where the item belongs, { "app_id": The id of the app, "name": The name of the app, "item_name": The name of an item in the app, "icon": The icon for the app } "external_id": The external id of the item. This can be used to hold a reference to the item in an external system. "initial_revision": The information on who created the first revision of the item { "revision": The revision number, "app_revision": The revision of the app at the time this item revision was made, "created_by": The entity who made the revision, "created_via": Through which client the revision was made, "created_on": When the revision was created }, "current_revision": The latest revision, contains the same as the initial_revision field, "title": The title of the item. This is made of up one of the fields below, or by the item name and id,
"link": The full link to the item,
"rights": The list of rights the active user has on the item, "fields": Each field for which there are values in the correct order, [ { "field_id": The id of the field, "type": The type of the field, "external_id": The external id of the field, "label": The label of the field, "values": The values for the field, [ { "{sub_id}":"{value}", .... (more sub values) }, .... (more values) ] }, ... (more fields) ] }


Try the operation "/item/{item_id}/basic"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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