Podio API Documentation

Tasks: Get tasks

GET /task/

Returns a list of all tasks matching all given filters and grouped by the specified group.


The valid groupings along with the return format is described below:


overdue, today, tomorrow, upcoming or later


The entity who created the task.


The user who is responsible for the task

  "user_id": The id of the user,
  "avatar": The file id of the avatar of ther user,
  "name": The name of the user


The reference that the task is linked to

"type": The type of object,
"id": The id of the object,
... (See the Reference model for details)


The app the task is associated with

  "app_id": The id of the app,
  "name": The name of the app,
  "item_name": The name of items in the app,
  "icon": The icon associated with the app


The space the task is associated with

  "space_id": The id of the space,
  "name": The name of the space,
  "url": The full URL of the space


The org the task is associated with

  "org_id": The id of the org,
  "name": The name of the org,
  "url": The full URL of the org



The labels on the task

  "label_id": The id of the label,
  "text": The text of the label,
  "color": The color of the label



The date the task was completed

today, 1_day, 2_days, 3_days, 4_days, 5_days, 6_days, 1_week, 2_weeks, 3_weeks, 4_weeks, 1_month, 2_months, .., 12_months, 1_year, older


Tasks can have a reference or a context. The data returned for the reference will depend on the type of context, as specified below:


  "item_id": the id of the item,      
  "title": The title of the item,
  "initial_revision": The initial revision of the item      
    "revision": The revision number of the item,         
    "user": The user who created the revision,        
      "user_id": The id of the user,
      "avatar": The avatar of the user,
      "name": The full name of the user
    "created_on": The date and time when the item was created,      
  "app": The app the item is in,      
    "app_id": The id of the app,         
    "name": The name of the app         
    "item_name": The name of a single item in an app
    "icon": The icon of the app,


  "status_id": The id of the status,
  "user": The user who created the status,
    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The avatar of the user,
    "name": The full name of the user
  "value": The text of the status,
  "created_on": The date and time the status was created


  "app_id": The id of the app,         
  "name": The name of the app         
  "item_name": The name of a single item in an app
  "icon": The icon of the app,


  "space_id": The id of the space,
  "name": The name of the space,
  "url": The full URL to the space,
  "url_label": The slug of the space


  "notification_id": The id of the notification


  "conversation_id": The id of the conversation,
  "subject": The subject of the conversation,
  "created_on": When the conversation was started,
  "created_by": The user who started the conversation, see the conventions
PHP Client
PodioTask::get_all( $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Task.find_all( options = {} )

True to only return completed tasks, False to return open tasks.


The entities that completed the task. See auth objects on the filtering area for details. 


The from and to date the task should be completed between. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-MM-DD". Example for all tasks completed in Jun 2017: "2017-06-01-2017-06-30"


The entities that created the task. See auth objects on the filtering area for details. 


The from and to date the task should be created between. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-MM-DD".


The id of the client the task was created via.


The from and to date the task should be due between. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-MM-DD".


The external id of the task


True if there should be files on the task, False if there should be no files on the task, leave out for no restriction.


The grouping to use. Valid options are "due_date", "created_by", "responsible", "app",  "space" and "org".


The id of the a required label on the tasks.


The maximum number of tasks to return


The offset into the tasks to return

Default value: 0

The ids of the orgs the tasks are related to.


True to only return tasks the active user has assigned to someone else, false to only return tasks that the active user has not assigned to someone else.


The list of references on the form "type:id" separated by semi-colon.


The user ids that are responsible for the task. See the filtering area for details.


The sort order of the tasks returned. Either "created_on", "completed_on" or "rank".

Default value: rank

true if tasks should be sorted descending, false otherwise

Default value: false

The ids of the spaces the tasks are related to.


The level of information to return. Setting to "full" will return the full task as specific on the get task operation.

Response [ { "task_id": The id of the task, "status": The status of the task, either "active", "completed" or "deleted", "text": The text of the task, "due_date": The due date of the task, if any (in local time), "due_time": The due time of the task, if any (in local time), "due_on": The due date and time of the task, if any (in UTC), "ref": The reference of the task, if any { "type": The type of the reference, "id": The id of the reference, "title": The title of the reference, "link": The link to the reference, "data": The data of the reference, as noted in the description }, "group": The group of the date corresponding to the grouping chosen, see the description, "labels": The active users labels attached to the task [ { "label_id": The id of the label, "text": The name of the label, "color": The hex color of the label }, ... (more labels) ] }, ... (more tasks) ]


Try the operation "/task/"

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