Podio API Documentation

Tasks: Get task totals v2

GET /task/total/

Get the totals for the users active tasks.


An optional list space ids separated by semi-colon, which will limit the totals to the given spaces.

Response { "own": The totals for tasks assigned to the active user, { "completed_yesterday": The number of tasks completed yesterday, "overdue": The number of tasks that are overdue, "today": The number of tasks due today, "tomorrow": The number of tasks due tomorrow, "upcoming": The number of tasks that are due within the next 7 days (not including today and tomorrow), "later": The number of tasks that are due late than 7 days or have no due date }, "reassigned": The total for tasks that the active user have reassigned, { ... (same properties as above) } }


Try the operation "/task/total/"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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