Podio API Documentation

App market: Get share by reference

GET /app_store/{ref_type}/{ref_id}/

Returns the shares of the given object. The active users shares will be first followed by other users shares. Besides that the shares will be sorted descending by when they were shared.

Ruby Gem
Podio::AppStoreShare.find_all_by_reference( ref_type, ref_id )
Response [ { "share_id": The id of the share, "name": The name of the share, "abstract": The abstract of the share, "description": The description of the share, "language": The language the object was shared in, "categories": The categories the app is in, { "{type}": The type of category, [ { "category_id": The id of the category, "name": The untranslated name of the category }, ... (more categories) ], ... (more types) }, "author": The author of the share, { "user_id": The id of the user, "avatar": The avatar of the user, "name": The full name of the user, }, "shared_on": The date and time the object was shared, "screenshots": The screenshots on the shared app, [ { "file_id": The id of the file, ... (see the get item operation for details) }, ... (more files) ], "info": The informational video for the share, if any { "video": The video of the informational, { "file_id": The id of the file, .... (see the get file opration for details) }, "thumb": The thumb of the informational, { "file_id": The id of the file, .... (see the get file opration for details) } } }, ... (more shares) ]


Try the operation "/app_store/{ref_type}/{ref_id}/"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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