Podio API Documentation

App market: Get share

GET /app_store/{share_id}/v2

Returns the shared app from the app market with the given id. It will also return all comments and fivestar ratings of the app.

Response { "share_id": The id of the share, "type": The type of share, either "app" or "pack", "status": The status of the share, either "review", "accepted" or "rejected", "parents": The parents of the share,     [ {       "share_id": The id of the parent share,       ....     } ... (more parents), ],     "children": The children of the share,     [       {         "share_id": The id of the child share,         ....     },    ... (more children)     ], "name": The name of the app, "description": The description of the app, "language": The language of the app, "featured": True if the app is featured, false otherwise, "features": The list of features for this share, can be "widgets", "tasks" and "filters", [ "{feature}", ... (more features) ], "integration": The type of integration, if any, "categories": The categories the app is in, { "{type}": The type of category, [ { "category_id": The id of the category, "name": The untranslated name of the category }, ... (more categories) ], ... (more types) }, "org": The organization the app is from, null if there is no app store profile for the org, { "url_label": The subdomain of the organization, "role": The users role on the organization, if any, "profile": THe app store profile of the organization, { "name": The name of the organization, ... (more properties, see the profile area) }, }, "author": The user who created the app { "user_id": The id of the user, "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, "name": The full name of the user }, "author_apps": The number of apps the author has shared, "author_packs": The number of packs the author has shared, "shared_on": When the share was shared, "icon": The icon associated with the app, "comments": The comments on the status message, [ { "comment_id": The id of the comment, ... (see the get comment operation for details) }, ... (more comments) ], "ratings": The fivestar ratings on the status message { ... See the get ratings operation for details, }, "user_rating": The rating of the active user, null if the user has not rated the share, "screenshots": The screenshots on the shared app, [ { "file_id": The id of the file, ... (see the get file operation for details) }, ... (more files) ], "info": The informational video for the share, if any { "video": The video of the informational, { "file_id": The id of the file, .... (see the get file opration for details) }, "thumb": The thumb of the informational, { "file_id": The id of the file, .... (see the get file opration for details) } } }


Try the operation "/app_store/{share_id}/v2"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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