Podio API Documentation

Organizations: Get shared organizations

GET /org/shared/{user_id}

Returns the organizations and spaces that the logged in user shares with the specified user. The organizations and spaces will be returned sorted by name.

Response [ { "org_id": The id of the organization, "name": The name of the organization, "url": The full URL of the organization, "logo": The file id of the logo of the organization, "type": The type of the organization, either "free", "sponsored" or "premium", "spaces": The spaces in the organization, [ { "space_id": The id of the space, "name": The name of the space, "url": The full URI of the space }, ..... (more spaces) ], }, ..... (more organizations) ]  


Try the operation "/org/shared/{user_id}"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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