Podio API Documentation
Files: Get files
Returns a list of all files matching the given filters and sorted by the specified attribute.
- PHP Client
PodioFile::get_all( $attributes = array() );
- attached_to
The type of the entity the file is attached to. Can be one of {"item", "status", "task" and "space"}.
- created_by
The entities that created the file. See auth objects on the view area for details.
- created_on
The from and to date the file was created between. For valid operations see date filtering under the view area.
- filetype
The type of the file. Can be one of {"image", "application", "video", "text", "audio"}.
- hosted_by
Which provider actually hosts the files. Currently can be one of {"podio", "google", "boxnet", "dropbox", "evernote", "live", "sharefile", "sugarsync", "yousendit"}.
- limit
The maximum number of files to return
Default value: 20- sort_by
How the files should be sorted. Can be one of {"name", "created_on"}
Default value: name- sort_desc
true for to sort in descending order, false in ascending
Default value: true
"file_id": The id of the file,
"name": The name of the file,
"mimetype": The mimetype of the file,
"size": The size of the file,
"hosted_by": The host of the file (currently "podio" or "google"),
"hosted_by_humanized_name": The humanized name of the host of the file,
"rights": The list of rights the active user has on the file,
"created_on": The date and time the file was uploaded,
"created_by": The entity who created the file,
"created_via": The interface the file was created through,
"context": The reference to context of the file,
"type": The type of the reference,
"id": The id of the reference,
"title": The title of the reference,
"link": The link to the context,
"app": The app of the item if the context is an item or null otherwise,
"app_id": The id of the app,
"name": The name of the app,
"item_name": The name for a single item of the app,
"url_label": The url label of the app,
"icon": The icon filename of the app,
... (more files)
Try the operation "/file/"You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.
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