Podio API Documentation

Applications: Update app

PUT /app/{app_id}

Updates an app. The update can contain an new configuration for the app, addition of new fields as well as updates to the configuration of existing fields. Fields not included will not be deleted. To delete a field use the "delete field" operation.

When adding/updating/deleting apps and fields, it can be simpler to only update the app config here and add/update/remove fields using the field/{field_id} sub resource.

PHP Client
PodioApp::update( $app_id, $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Application.update( app_id, attributes )

If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be generated.

Default value: false
Request { "config": The new configuration of the app if any
 "type": The type of the app, either "standard" or "meeting", "name": The name of the app,
"item_name": The name of each item in an app, "description": The description of the app, "usage": The usage information of the app, "external_id": The external id of the app. This can be used to store an id from an external system on the app,
"icon": The name of the icon used to represent the app,
"allow_edit": True if other members are allowed to edit items from the app, false otherwise,
"default_view": The default view of the app items on the app main page (see area for more information),
  "allow_attachments": True if attachment of files to an item is allowed, false otherwise,
"allow_comments": True if members can make comments on an item, false otherwise, "silent_creates": True if item creates should not be posted to the stream, false otherwise, "silent_edits": True if item edits should not be posted to the stream, false otherwise, "fivestar": True if fivestar rating is enabled on an item, false otherwise, "fivestar_label": If fivestar rating is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users, "approved": True if an item can be approved, false otherwise, "thumbs": True if an item can have a thumbs up or thumbs down, false otherwise, "thumbs_label": If thumbs ratings are enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users, "rsvp": True if RSVP is enabled, false otherwise, "rsvp_label": If RSVP is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users,
"yesno": True if yes/no rating is enabled, false otherwise,
"yesno_label": If yes/no is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users, "tasks": The list of tasks to be automatically created when an item is created [ { "text": The text for the task, "responsible": The users who should be responsible for the task [ "{user_id}", ... (more user ids) ] } ] },
{ "field_id": The id of the field for existing fields, not included for new fields,
"type": The type of the field (see area for more information), only valid for new fields,
"config": The configuration of the field,
"label": The label of the field, which is what the users will see,  "description": The description of the field, shown to the user when inserting and editing, "delta": An integer indicating the order of the field compared to other fields,
"settings": The settings of the field which depends on the type of the field (see area for more information),
"mapping": The mapping of the field, one of "meeting_time", "meeting_participants", "meeting_agenda" and "meeting_location",
"required": True if the field is required when creating and editing items, false otherwise
... (more fields)
], "fields_to_delete": The fields that should be deleted in this update [ { "field_id": The id of the field to be deleted, "delete_values": True if the values for the field should be deleted, false otherwise }, ... (more fields) ] }




The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.