Podio API Documentation

Applications: Add new app field

POST /app/{app_id}/field/

Adds a new field to an app

PHP Client
PodioAppField::create( $app_id, $attributes = array() );
Request { "type": The type of the field (see area for more information),
"config": The configuration of the field,
"label": The label of the field, which is what the users will see,  "description": The description of the field, shown to the user when inserting and editing, "delta": An integer indicating the order of the field compared to other fields,
"settings": The settings of the field which depends on the type of the field (see area for more information),
"mapping": The mapping of the field, one of "meeting_time", "meeting_participants", "meeting_agenda" and "meeting_location",
"required": True if the field is required when creating and editing items, false otherwise


Response {
"field_id": The id of the newly created field


The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.