Podio API Documentation

Applications: Add new app

POST /app/

Creates a new app on a space.

The mappings available for Contact and Meeting app types are:

  • Meeting app type
    • meeting_time
    • meeting_participants
    • meeting_location
    • meeting_agenda
  • Contact app type
    • contact_name
    • contact_job_title
    • contact_organization
    • contact_email
    • contact_phone
    • contact_address
    • contact_website
    • contact_notes
    • contact_image

PHP Client
PodioApp::create( $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Application.create( attributes )

If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be generated.

Default value: false
Request {
"space_id": The id of the space on which the app is placed, "config": The current configuration of the app,
{ "type": The type of the app, either "standard", "meeting" or "contact", "name": The name of the app,
"item_name": The name of each item in an app, "description": The description of the app, "usage": Description of how the app should be used, "external_id": The external id of the app. This can be used to store an id from an external system on the app,
"icon": The name of the icon used to represent the app,
"allow_edit": True if other members are allowed to edit items from the app, false otherwise,
"default_view": The default view of the app items on the app main page (see area for more information),
  "allow_attachments": True if attachment of files to an item is allowed, false otherwise,
"allow_comments": True if members can make comments on an item, false otherwise, "silent_creates": True if item creates should not be posted to the stream, false otherwise, "silent_edits": True if item edits should not be posted to the stream, false otherwise,
"fivestar": True if fivestar rating is enabled on an item, false otherwise,
"fivestar_label": If fivestar rating is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users,
"approved": True if an item can be approved, false otherwise,
"thumbs": True if an item can have a thumbs up or thumbs down, false otherwise,
"thumbs_label": If thumbs ratings are enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users,
"rsvp": True if RSVP is enabled, false otherwise, "rsvp_label": If RSVP is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users,
"yesno": True if yes/no rating is enabled, false otherwise,
"yesno_label": If yes/no is enabled, this is the label that will be presented to the users,
"tasks": The list of tasks to be automatically created when an item is created [ { "text": The text for the task, "responsible": The users who should be responsible for the task [ "{user_id}", ... (more user ids) ] } ]
{ "type": The type of the field (see area for more information),
"config": The configuration of the field,
"label": The label of the field, which is what the users will see,  "description": The description of the field, shown to the user when inserting and editing, "delta": An integer indicating the order of the field compared to other fields,
"settings": The settings of the field which depends on the type of the field (see area for more information),
"mapping": The mapping of the field, see available mappings above,
"required": True if the field is required when creating and editing items, false otherwise
] }



Response {
"app_id": The id of the newly created app


The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.