Podio API Documentation

Views: Get views

GET /view/app/{app_id}/

Returns the views on the given app.

PHP Client
PodioView::get_for_app( $app_id );
Ruby Gem
Podio::View.find_all( app_id )

True if standard views should be included, false otherwise

Default value: false
Response [ { "view_id": The id of the view, "name": The name of the view, "created_on": The date and time of the creation of the view, "created_by": The user who created the view, { "user_id": The id of the user, "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, "name": The full name of the user },
"rights": The list of rights the user has on the view, "items": The number of items matching the view,
"groupings": individual groups data, if grouping is present, otherwise {}
"total": total count of items in all groups,
"groups": [{
"count": items count of the single group,
"avatar": url of users avatar when grouping by contact or created_by, otherwise null
"color": color of a category option when grouping by category field, otherwise null,
"value": a unique value for each group,
"label": a text label for each group
... (more groups)
"grouping": grouping configuration, if grouping is present, otherwise {} {
"type": "field" or "revision" (grouping by an app field or by created_by | created_on | tags),
"value": field_id in case of "field" type, "created_by", "created_on" or "tags" in case of "revision",
"sub_value": interval granularity for date related groupings (date or calculation fields or created_on). "date", "weekday", "week", "month" or "year"
} }, ... (more view) ]


Try the operation "/view/app/{app_id}/"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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