Podio API Documentation

Stream: Get global stream

GET /stream/

Returns the global stream. The types of objects in the stream can be either "item", "status", "task", "action", "file" or "item_transaction". The data part of the result depends on the type of object and is specified below:



  "item_id": The id of the item,
  "title": The title of the item


  "status_id": The id of the status,
  "value": The entire status text,
  "embed": Metadata for an embedded link if it exists (see Embed area),
  "embed_file": File data for an thumbnail for the embed if it exists,
  "questions": Any questions attached to this status,
      "question_id": The id of the question,
      "text": The text of the question, if any,
      "options": The options of the questions
          "question_option_id": The id of the option,
          "text": The text of the option,
          ... (more options)
      "answers": The answers to the question
          "question_option_id": The id of the option,
          "user": The user who answers
            "user_id": The id of the user,
            "name": The full name of the user,
            "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, if any
        ... (more answers)
    ... (more questions)


  "task_id": The id of the task,
  "status": The status of the task, either "active", "completed" or "deleted",
  "text": The text of the task,
  "description": The description of the task, if any,
  "due_date": The due date of the task, if any,
  "responsible": The user responsible for the task,
    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user,
    "name": The full name of the user


  "action_id": The id of the action,
  "type": The type of action,
  "text": The default for text for the action,
  "data": The data belonging to the action, which depends on the type of action


  "file_id": The id of the file,
  "name": The name of the file,
  "description": The description of the file, if any,
  "mimetype": The mimetype of the file,
  "link": The download link,
  "size": The size of the file in bytes


"item_transaction_id": The id of the item transaction,
"state": The state of the item transaction, either "pending" or "confirmed",
"reason": The reason the item transaction was created, either "manual", "space_invite", "referral" or "referred",
"amount": The amount of items added to the organization


For each object there is a list of activities within the last 14 days. The type of activities can be "item_revision", "status", "task", "task_action", "file", "file_delete", "comment", "rating", "answer", "rsvp", "participation", "like", "vote", "reference" or "grant". The data part of the activity will depend on the type of activity as listed below:


  "item_revision_id": The id of the item revision,
  "type": The type of revision, either "creation", "update" or "delete",
  "revision": The revision number


  "status_id": The id of the status,
  "value": The entire status text



  "task_id": The id of the task,
  "status": The status of the task, either "active", "completed" or "deleted",
  "text": The text of the task,
  "description": The description of the task, if any,
  "due_date": The due date of the task, if any,
  "responsible": The user responsible for the task,
    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user,
    "name": The full name of the user



  "task_action_id": The id of the task action,
  "type": The type of the action, either "creation", "start", "stop", "assign", "complete", "incomplete", "update_text", "update_description", "update_due_date", "update_private" or "delete",
  "changed": The changed value, which depends on the type of the action


file, file_delete

  "file_id": The id of the file,
  "name": The name of the file,
  "description": The description of the file,
  "mimetype": The mimetype of the file,
  "size": The size of the file


  "comment_id": The id of comment,
  "value": The text of the comment,
  "questions": Any questions attached to this status,
      "question": The question
        "question_id": The id of the question,
        "text": The text of the question, if any,
        "options": The options of the questions
            "question_option_id": The id of the option,
            "text": The text of the option,
            ... (more options)
      "answers": The answers to the question
          "question_option_id": The id of the option,
          "user": The user who answers
            "user_id": The id of the user,
            "name": The full name of the user,
            "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, if any
        ... (more answers)
    ... (more questions)


  "rating_id": The id of the rating,
  "type": The type of rating, either "approved", "rsvp", "fivestar", "yesno", "thumbs" or "like",
  "value": The value of the rating, see the rating area for details



  "question_option": The option that was selected by the user
    "question_option_id": The id of the option,
    "text": The text of the option

profile (rsvp)

  "profile_id": The id of the profile


  "user": The user that was granted access,
    "user_id": The id of the user,
    "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user,
    "name": The full name of the user



"type": The type of the object,
"id": The id of the object,
"title:" The title of the object,
"link": The link to the object
PHP Client
PodioStreamObject::get( $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::StreamObject.find_all( options = {} )

How many objects should be returned.

Default value: 10

How far should the objects be offset

Response [ { "type": The type of object, "id": The id of the object, "last_update_on": The date and time the object was last updated, "title": The title of the object, "link": The link to the object, "rights": The list of user rights on the status, "data": The detailed data of the object, depends on the type, "comments_allowed": True if comments can be added, false otherwise, "comments": The comments on the object, [ {
  "comment_id": The id of the comment. Can be used to update and delete the comment,
  "value": The actual comment, "external_id": The external id set on the comment, if any, "space_id": The id of the space the comment is on, if any,
  "created_by": The entity who created the comment, "created_via": The interface through which the comment was created,   "created_on": The date and time the comment was created, "files": The files on the comment, [ { "file_id": The id of the file, "name": The name of the file, "description": The description of the file, "mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types, "size": The size of the file in bytes }, ... (more files) ], "embed": Metadata for an embedded link if it exists (see Embed area), "embed_file": File data for an thumbnail for the embed if it exists, "questions": Any questions attached to this status, [ { "question": The question { "question_id": The id of the question, "text": The text of the question, if any, "options": The options of the questions [ { "question_option_id": The id of the option, "text": The text of the option, ... (more options) } ] }, "answers": The answers to the question [ { "question_option_id": The id of the option, "user": The user who answers { "user_id": The id of the user, "name": The full name of the user, "avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, if any } }, ... (more answers) ] }, ... (more questions) ] } ], "files": The files related to the object, [ { "file_id": The id of the file, "name": The name of the file, "description": The description of the file, "mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types, "size": The size of the file in bytes }, ... (more files) ], "user_ratings": The active users rating of the object, { "{type}": The value of the rating for the given type, ... (more types) }, "created_by": The entity who created the object, "created_via": The interface through which the object was created, "created_on": The date and time when the object was created, "app": The app the object is in, if any, { "app_id": The id of the app, "name": The name of the app, "item_name": The name of items in the app, "icon": The icon associated with the app }, "space": The space the object belongs to, { "space_id": The id of the space, "name": The name of the space, "url": The full URL of the space }, "org": The organization the object belongs to, { "org_id": The id of the organization, "name": The name of the organization, "url": The full URL of the organization, "logo": The file id of the logo of the organization }, "activity": The list of recent activities on the object [ { "type": The type of the activity, "id": The id of the activity, "actvitity_type": The type of activity, either "comment", "file", "task", "rating", "creation" or "update", "created_by": The entity who created the activity, "created_via": The interface through which the activity was created, "created_on": The date and time when the activity was created, "data": The data of the activity, depends on the type of the activity }, ... (more activities) ] }, ... (more objects) ]


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