Podio API Documentation

Spaces: Create space

POST /space/

Add a new space to an organization.

PHP Client
PodioSpace::create( $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Space.create( attributes )
Request { "org_id": The id of the organization the space is in,  "privacy": The privacy level of the space, either "open" or "closed", defaults to "closed",
"auto_join": True if new employees should be joined automatically, false otherwise, defaults to false, "name": The name of the space, "post_on_new_app": True if new apps should be announced with a status update, false otherwise, "post_on_new_member": True if new members should be announced with a status update, false otherwise }


Response { "space_id": The id of the newly created space, "url": The full URL of the new space }


The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.