Podio API Documentation

Conversations: Create conversation v2

POST /conversation/v2/

Creates a new conversation with a list of users. Once a conversation is started, the participants cannot (yet) be changed.

Request { "subject": The subject of the conversation, "text": The body of the first message in the conversation, "file_ids": The list of file ids to be attached to the initial message, "participants": List of participants in the conversation (not including the sender), [ {user_id}, ... (more user ids) ], "embed_id": [OPTIONAL] The id of an embedded link that has been created with the Add an mebed operation in the Embed area,
"embed_url": The url to be attached, "session": Data about any chat/video session { "type": The type of session, either "normal" or "omega", "data": The data for joining the session, depends on the type of session } }
Response { "conversation_id": The id of the conversation, "subject": The subject of the conversation, "ref": The reference to the object the conversation is created on, if any { "type": The type of the object, "id": The id of the object }, "created_on": When the conversation was started, "created_by": The user who started the conversation, see the conventions, "messages": The messages in the conversation, [ { "message_id": The id of the message, "text": The text of the message, "created_on": The date the message was sent, "created_by": The user who sent the message, see the conventions, "files": The files on the comment, [ { "file_id": The id of the file, "name": The name of the file, "description": The description of the file, "mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types, "size": The size of the file in bytes, } ... (more files) ], "embed": An embedded link, if one is associated { "embed_id": The id of the embed, ... (see the Add an embed operation for details) }, "embed_file": A thumbnail associated with the embedded link, if any { "file_id": The id of the file, ... (see the get item operation for details) } }, ... (more messages) ], "participants": The list of participants in the conversation, [ { "user_id": The id of the user, "avatar": The avatar of the user, "name": The name of the user } ... (more participants) ], "session": Data about any chat/video session { "type": The type of session, either "normal" or "omega", "data": The data for joining the session, depends on the type of session } }


The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.