Podio API Documentation

Widgets: Get widget

GET /widget/{widget_id}

Returns the widget with the given id.

Ruby Gem
Podio::Widget.find( id )
Response { "widget_id": The id of the widget, "ref": The reference to the area the widget is stored { "type": The type of reference, "id": The id of reference }, "type": The type of the widget, see the area for possible values, "rights": The list of rights the ative user has on the widget, "title": The title of the widget, "config": The configuration of the widget, "created_on": The date and time the widget was created, "created_by": The user who created the widget, { "user_id": The id of the user, "avatar": The avatar of the user, "name": The full name of the user } }


Try the operation "/widget/{widget_id}"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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