Podio API Documentation

Users: Get user status

GET /user/status

Returns the current status for the user. This includes the user data, profile data and notification data.

PHP Client
PodioUserStatus::get(  );
Ruby Gem
Response { "user": Information about the user, { "user_id": The id of the user, "mail": The primary mail of the user, "status": The status of the user ("inactive", "active" or "blacklisted"), "locale": The locale of the user, "timezone": The timezone of the user, "invites": The number of invites left for the user,     "created_on": The date and time when the user was created,
"activated_on": The date and time when the user was activated }, "profile": The users profile {   "profile_id": Your profile_id,    "{key}": The value associated with key. For a list of keys, as well as their possible values, see the contacts area, ... (more keys and values) }, "properties": The properties for the user for the used auth client { "{name}": The object value of the property with the given name, ... (more properties) }, "referral": The referral status { "code": The referral code, "status": The referral status, either "inactive", "popup", "sidebar" or "disabled" },
"flags:" The user flags allowing for extra access in Podio,
[ "{flag}", ... more flags ], "betas": The betas the user is a part of [ "{beta}", ... (more betas) ],
"inbox_new": The number of unread notifications in the inbox,
"message_unread_count": The number of unread messages, "calendar_code": The code to use when getting iCal feeds, "mailbox": The prefix to use for user's mailbox endpoint }


Try the operation "/user/status"

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