Podio API Documentation

Layout: Get default layout

GET /layout/{app_id}/{badge|relationship}/default

Returns the definition of a default badge layout

PHP Client
PodioView::get( $view_id );
Ruby Gem
Podio::View.find( id )
Response {
"app_id": App id,
"default": True - always True - this is the default badge
"type": "badge"/"relationship",
"fields": Layout field specification
"content": Content field layout - null if empty
"type": "field", "fivestar" or "vitrual"
"id": field_id for "field" type; voting_id for "fivestar" type; enum value for virtual type: "created_on", "created_by", "last_edit_by", "comment_count", "file_count", "app_item_id", "fivestar", "tags"
"details_1": "Details 1" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"details_2": "Details 2" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"details_3": "Details 3" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"footer_1": "Footer 1" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"footer_2": "Footer 2" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"footer_3": "Footer 3" field layout - can be null
... (as in content)
"header": "Header" field layout - can be null {
... (as in content)


Try the operation "/layout/{app_id}/{badge|relationship}/default"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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