Podio API Documentation

Embeds: Add an embed

POST /embed/

Grabs metadata and returns metadata for the given url such as title, description and thumbnails.

PHP Client
PodioEmbed::create( $attributes = array() );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Embed.create( url )
Request { "url": The absolute url of the link to fetch metadata for including protocol,
"mode": "immediate" if the lookup should be performed immediately, before returning from the call, or "delayed" if the lookup can be performed delayed (optional, default is "immediate") }
Response {
"embed_id": The id of the embed,
"original_url": The url the user originally provided,
"resolved_url": The final url after redirects (e.g. if the url was shortened link),
"type": See area description,
"title": The title of the linked content,
"description": An descriptive excerpt of the linked content,
"created_on": When the embed was created,
"provider_name": The name of the linked service provider or website,
"embed_html": HTML object extracted from the link that can be embedded as is,
"embed_width": Width of the embedded object,
"embed_height": Height of the embedded object, "files": Files that can be used as thumbnails for the embed (last is always favicon),
"file_id": The id of the file,
"name": The name of the file,
"description": The description of the file,
"mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types,
"size": The size of the file in bytes,
... (more files)
] }  



The sandbox only handles GET operations for now.