Podio API Documentation
Comments: Get a comment
Returns the contents of a comment. It is not possible to see where the comment was made, only the comment itself.
- PHP Client
PodioComment::get( $comment_id );
- Ruby Gem
Podio::Comment.find( id )
- comment_id*
- Required.
"comment_id": The id of the comment. Can be used to update and delete the comment,
"value": The actual comment,
"external_id": The external id set on the comment, if any,
"ref": The reference to the object the comment is on,
"type": The type of the reference,
"id": The id of the reference
"created_by": The entity who created the comment,
"created_via": The interface through which the comment was created,
"created_on": The date and time the comment was created,
"files": The files on the comment,
"file_id": The id of the file,
"name": The name of the file,
"description": The description of the file,
"mimetype": The type of the file, see the area for allowed types,
"size": The size of the file in bytes,
... (more files)
"embed": An embedded link, if one is associated
"embed_id": The id of the embed,
... (see the Add an embed operation for details)
"embed_file": A thumbnail associated with the embedded link, if any
"file_id": The id of the file,
... (see the get item operation for details)
"like_count": The total number of likes on this comment,
"is_liked": True if the active user has liked the comment, false otherwise,
"questions": Any questions attached to this status,
"question_id": The id of the question,
"text": The text of the question, if any,
"options": The options of the questions
"question_option_id": The id of the option,
"text": The text of the option
... (more options)
"answers": The answers to the question
"question_option_id": The id of the option,
"user": The user who answers
"user_id": The id of the user,
"name": The full name of the user,
"avatar": The file id of the avatar of the user, if any
... (more answers)
... (more questions)
Try the operation "/comment/{comment_id}"You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.
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