Podio API Documentation

Batch: Get batch

GET /batch/{batch_id}

Returns the batch with the given id

PHP Client
PodioBatch::get( $batch_id );
Ruby Gem
Podio::Batch.find( id )
Response { "batch_id": The id of the batch, "name": The name of the batch (auto generated), "plugin": The id of the batch plugin used ("app_import", "app_export", "app_content"), "status": The status of the batch, either "created", "processing", "failed", or "completed", "completed": The number of objects completed, "skipped": The number of objects skipped, "failed": The number of objects failed, "file": The file associated with the batch, if any { "file_id": The id of the file, "hosted_by": The place where the file is hosted, "link": The download link for the file, "perma_link": The permalink of the file, "thumbnail_link": The thumbnail link, if any, "name": The name of the file, "description": The description of the file, "mimetype": The MIMEtype of the file, "size": The size of the file }, "app": The related app, if any, { "app_id": The id of the app, "name": The name of the app, "item_name" The name of items in the app, "icon_id": The id of the icon for the app, "url_label": The URL label for the app }, "space": The related space, if any { "space_id": The id of the space, "name": The name of the space, "url": The full URL of the space, "url_label": The URL label for the space, "type": The type of space, either "regular" or "emp_network" }, "created_on": The date and time when the batch was created, "started_on": The date and time when the batch processing started, "ended_on": The data and time when the batch processing ended }


Try the operation "/batch/{batch_id}"

You can simulate the API request by filling out the arguments below, and press the submit button to see the response.

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