Concepts and conventions

The core concepts of Podio


All users log in with an email address and have a single account to access all workspaces they're a member of. A user has a single profile visible only to people the user shares a space with.


An organisation is the way spaces are organised. Each organisation holds one or more workspaces.


A workspace consists of a group of invited users - who are the only ones with access to the workspace - and apps. In the API, a workspace is typically just refered to as a 'space'. Every space belongs to an organisation.


Apps are the core concept in Podio. Apps can be modfied to fit individual needs from a combination of field types and feedback options. Apps live in spaces and can be re-used (the app structure, not the data) on other spaces.


If you think of apps as database tables, an item would be a row in such a table. Each item is a record of data with fields defined in the app. Items are not called items in the Podio user interface, rather they are refered to with a name defined in the app such as Lead (for the Leads app), Customer (for the CRM pack), Bug (for the Bugs app) etc.


Contacts are business cards (or vCards). They are a part of an app and attached to individual items using the Contact field.


Conversations is a messaging system that allows users to send private messages to each other.


Tasks can be added to almost anything in Podio. They will appear in relation to the item but will also be aggregated to the user's individual task list if a task it delegated to a user.


A time-view of any app items from all spaces with dates in them. Also, tasks are listed based on due date.